Ellagic acid ke motsoako o hlahang ka tlhaho o fumanoang haholo-holo likharenate. Ha ho makatse hore ebe ellagic acid e se e tumme haholo e le tlatsetso ea lijo lilemong tsa morao tjena.
TheChina Kharenate Ellagic Acid Factorye fetohile e 'ngoe ea mehloli ea lefats'e ea ellagic acid, e hlahisang tlatsetso ea boleng bo phahameng eo ka potlako e fetohang tharollo ea khetho bakeng sa ba batlang ho boloka bophelo bo botle ka tsela ea tlhaho. Rivo ke khetho e babatsehang ea ho fana ka kharenate extract ellagic acid.
Ellagic acid e na le mefuta e fapaneng ea mesebetsi ea bioactive, 'me mona re hlahloba melemo ea ellagic acid le hore na ke hobane'ng ha semela sa China sa kharenate ellagic acid se ratoa haholo har'a batho ba chesehelang bophelo bo botle.
Antioxidant thepa ea ellagic acid
1. Ho tlosa li-radicals tsa mahala
Ho tloha lilemong tsa bo-1950, thepa ea antioxidant ea ellagic acid in vivo le in vitro e 'nile ea hlahlojoa le ho etsoa lipatlisiso,' me liphello tsa lipatlisiso tse ngata li bontšitse hore ellagic acid e na le matla a matla a ho senya le ho thibela antioxidant. Ellagic acid e na le phello e senyang ho li-radicals tsa oksijene le hydroxyl radicals, 'me bokhoni ba eona ba ho senya li-radicals tsa mahala bo phahame ka boholo ho feta li-antioxidants tse kang sesquiterpene, lekhasi la mohloaare le luteolin.
2, thibela lipid peroxidation
Mabapi le lipid peroxidation inhibition, ellagic acid e nkoa e le inhibitor e sebetsang ka ho fetisisa ea microsomal NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation initiation, 'me ellagic acid e ka boela ea thibela ka matla lipid peroxidation e bakoang ke adriamycin. Ellagic acid e thibela tšepe ea myoglobin/hydrogen peroxide-e itšetlehileng ka lipid peroxidation. Ellagic acid e thibela lipid peroxidation (LPO) e hlahisoang ke lintho tse kantle ho lisele tsa T, e thibela tlhahiso ea oksijene e sebetsang (ros) mme e matlafatsa lefu la lisele le bakoang ke li-cytotoxins.
3, Mesebetsi e meng ea antioxidant
Ellagic acid e ka fokotsa tšenyo ea lisele e bakoang ke mahlaseli, hydrogen peroxide le mitomycin C liseleng tsa moko oa toeba. Ellagic acid e ile ea thibela ka katleho oxidation ea DCDHF e bakoang ke peroxynitrite hammoho le oxidation ea peroxynitrite ka boeona. Ka nako e tšoanang, ellagic acid e thibela peroxynitrite-itued single-strand breaks of pTZ 18U plasmid DNA le nitration ea tyrosinyl lihlopha ka namane serum protheine. Ka hona, in vitro, ellagic acid e sireletsa li-biomolecules ho tsoa tšenyo e bakoang ke nitrite oxidative le nitrosative.
Liketso tse ling tsa ellagic acid
Ts'ebetso ea li-astrocyte tsa pancreatic ke sesosa sa bohlokoa sa maemo a kang pancreatic fibrosis le pancreatitis e hlobaetsang. Ellagic acid e thibela interleukin 1b (IL-1) le tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) -induced activator protein-1 le ts'ebetso ea mitogen-activated protein kinase, kahoo e thibela phetoho ea li-astrocyte tsa pancreatic nascent hore e be phenotype e entsoeng ka fibrillogenic. Ellagic acid e sebetsa e le metabolite ea bobeli khahlano le ts'ebetso ea eosinophil ka mohlala oa β-glucan peritonitis. Ellagic acid ke inhibitor e matla ea li-eosinophils 'me e ka sebelisoa ho phekola ho ruruha ha allergic. Ellagic acid e na le liphello tsa hepatoprotective kaha e hanyetsa carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in vivo le in vitro, hape e hanyetsa tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced lipid peroxidation.
Li-melanocyte li fumanoa karolong ea basal ea epidermis, moo melanin e hlahisoang teng. Thepa e tala bakeng sa tlhahiso ea melanin ke tyrosine, e tlamehang ho fetoloa ka ho latellana ke tyrosinase hore e be dopa, dopaquinone 'me qetellong melanin. Ellagic acid e thibela tlhahiso ea melanin ka ho thibela ts'ebetso ea tyrosinase.
Ka hona, bohloeki bo phahameng ba ellagic acid e sebelisoa haholo-holo e le tlatsetso ea meriana, lijo tsa bophelo bo botle le litlolo e le ntho e sebetsang bakeng sa antioxidant, khatello ea kokoana-hloko khahlanong le immunodeficiency ea motho, ho soeufala ha letlalo, joalo-joalo.
Hobaneng u khethaChina Kharenate Ellagic Acid Factory?
China Pomegranate Ellagic Acid Factory e fetoha morekisi ea tšepahalang ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, ka lebaka la lisebelisoa le mekhoa ea eona e metle ea tlhahiso. Ba ntlafalitse tsebo ea ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo holimo, ho netefatsa hore lihlahisoa tsa bona li finyella litekanyetso tsa lefats'e tsa polokeho. Ka lebaka leo, litlatsetso tsa bona tsa ellagic acid li fana ka melemo e akaretsang joalo ka bokhoni bo botle ba ho thibela ho ruruha le ho thibela hlahala.
Qetellong, Ellagic acid e na le melemo e mengata e ka bang teng 'me e itšetlehile ka lisebelisoa tse sireletsehileng, tse phahameng tse kang tse hlahisoang keChina Kharenate Ellagic Acid Factoryke tsela e molemo ka ho fetisisa ea ho fumana tekanyo e tsitsitseng, ea boleng bo phahameng eo ntle ho pelaelo e leng molemo bophelong ba hau. Kahoo, haeba u batla ho laola bophelo ba batho le ho boloka bophelo bo botle ba 'mele, nahana ka ho eketsa lisebelisoa tsa ellagic acid sehlahisoa sa hau kajeno.
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- Lengolo-tsoibila:info@ruiwophytochem.comMohala:008618629669868
Nako ea poso: Apr-19-2023