Phepelo ea Feme ea Safrone ea Lipalesa E Ntša Phofo ea Crocin

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) ke semela se nang le makala a mangata haholo, se nang le litlama, se kang sehlaba selemo le selemo.E lengoa khoebong bakeng sa oli ea meroho e ntšitsoeng peong.Safflower Yellow ke pigment ea tlhaho ea lijo e ntšitsoeng petal ea Carthamus Tinctoria L. ka mokhoa oa ho ntša, ho sefa, ho hloekisa, ho tsepamisa maikutlo, ho sterilizing, ho fafatsa le ho omisa.Motsoako o ka sehloohong oa 'mala ke carthamine.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Ka ts'ebetso e felletseng ea taolo e ntle ea mahlale, boleng bo botle le tumelo e ntle haholo, re fumana boemo bo botle haholo mme ra lula indastering ena bakeng sa Phepelo ea Feme.Safrone Flower ExtractPhofoCrocin phofo, Ho tloha ha ho thehoa mathoasong a lilemo tsa bo-1990, joale re thehile marang-rang a rona a thekiso USA, Jeremane, Asia, le linaheng tse 'maloa tsa Bochabela bo Hare.Re ikemiselitse ho ba mofani oa thepa ea maemo a holimo bakeng sa OEM lefatšeng ka bophara le ka morao-rao!
Ka ts'ebetso e felletseng ea taolo e ntle ea mahlale, boleng bo botle le tumelo e ntle haholo, re fumana boemo bo botle haholo mme ra nka indasteri ena bakeng saSafrone ea Chaena, Crocin phofo, Safrone Flower Extract, Re lebeletse, re tla tsamaisana le linako, re tsoele pele ho etsa lihlahisoa tse ncha le tharollo.Ka sehlopha sa rona se matla sa lipatlisiso, lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso, tsamaiso ea mahlale le lits'ebeletso tse holimo, re tlil'o fana ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ho bareki ba rona lefatšeng ka bophara.Re u mema ka tieo hore u be balekane ba rona ba khoebo molemong oa bobeli.
Lebitso la Sechaena: crocin, safrone extract, safrone extract

Lebitso la Senyesemane: Crocin

Lebitso la Sechaena: gardenia pigment, crocetin, α-crocetin, safrone pigment

Nomoro ea CAS: 42553-65-1

Foromo ea molek'hule: C44H64O24

Boima ba molek'hule: 976.96

Nomoro ea EINECS: 255-881-6

Mohloli: Iridaceae safrone le sekhobo sa limela tse ling tsa mofuta o le mong.Thepa: Phofo e khubelu ea kristale, monko o fokolang, ntlha e qhibilihang ke 180 ° C, e qhibiliha habonolo ka metsing ho ba motsoako o mosehla o bonaletsang, o qhibiliha ka ethanol le propylene glycol, e ke keng ea qhibiliha ka oli.Phofo e ntle e bokhubelu ba Orange, 100% ho feta 80 mesh.

Taolo ea 'Mele

Boitsebiso: E ntle
Monko: Sebopeho
Latsoa: Sebopeho
Tlhahlobo ea Sieve: NLT 95% Feta 80 mesh
Taolo ea Lik'hemik'hale
Arsenic (As) NMT 1ppm
Cadmium(Cd) NMT 1ppm
Ketapele (Pb) NMT 3ppm
Mercury(Hg) NMT 0.1ppm
Litšepe tse boima NMT 10ppm
Phosphate Organics NMT 1ppm
Masala a chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana NMT 1ppm
Taolo ea Likokoana-hloko
Kakaretso ea Plate Count 1000cfu/g Max
P.aeruginosa Absent
S. aureus Absent
Salmonella Absent
Yeast & Mold 100cfu/g Max
E.Coli E mpe
Staphylococcus E mpe
Aflatoxins NMT 0.2ppb

rwkdKa ts'ebetso e felletseng ea taolo e ntle ea mahlale, boleng bo botle le tumelo e ntle haholo, re fumana boemo bo botle haholo mme ra lula indastering ena bakeng sa Factory Supply Saffron Flower Extract Powder.Crocin phofo.Ho tloha ha re thehoa, joale re thehile marang-rang a rona a thekiso USA, Jeremane, Asia le linaheng tse 'maloa tsa Middle East.Re ikemiselitse ho ba mofani oa thepa ea maemo a holimo bakeng sa OEM lefatšeng ka bophara le ka morao-rao!
Re lebeletse, re tla ikamahanya le linako, re tsoele pele ho theha lihlahisoa tse ncha le tharollo.Ka sehlopha sa rona se matla sa lipatlisiso, lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso, tsamaiso ea mahlale le lits'ebeletso tse holimo, re tlil'o fana ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ho bareki ba rona lefatšeng ka bophara.Re u mema ka tieo hore u be balekane ba rona ba khoebo molemong oa bobeli.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: