Setsebi sa Tlhahiso ea Feme ea Sodium Magnesium Chlorophyllin Powder

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Sodium magnesium chlorophyll ke ntho ea tlhaho ea chlorophyll kapa chlorophyll derivatives e fumanoang limela tsa tlhaho tse nang le chlorophyll ka mor'a ho ntšoa le ho hloekisoa.

Sodium magnesium chlorophyll letsoai ke phofo e bosehla bo botala, e qhibilihang habonolo metsing, e qhibiliha hanyenyane ka ethanol le chloroform, tharollo ea metsi e pepenene ntle le pula.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa


Lebitso la Sehlahisoa:Sodium Magnesium Chlorophyllin

Sehlopha:Semela sa Semela

Tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa:1-90%


Taolo ea Boleng:Ka Ntlong


Boima ba molek'hule:1221.28

Nomoro ea CAS:11006-34-1

Ponahalo:Yellow-Green phofo e nang le monko o ikhethang.

Boitsebiso:E fetisa liteko tsohle tsa litekanyetso

Mosebetsi oa Sehlahisoa: Sehlahisoa se sebelisoa haholo-holo e le thepa e tala bakeng sa meriana ea letsatsi le letsatsi ea lijo tsa lik'hemik'hale tse deodorization le liindasteri tse ling.

Polokelo:boloka sebakeng se pholileng le se omileng, se koetsoeng hantle, hole le mongobo kapa khanya ea letsatsi.

Kenyelletso ea Sodium Magnesium Chlorophyllin

Sodium Magnesium Chlorophyll ke eng?

Sodium Magnesium Chlorophyllin ke sehlahisoa sa tlhaho se fumanoang limela, haholo-holo ka har'a chlorophyll ea 'mala o motala. E ntšitsoe le ho hloekisoa mehloling e fapaneng ea botanical, sodium magnesium chlorophyllin e fetohile motsoako o tummeng lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa bophelo bo botle le bophelo bo botle.

Sodium magnesium chlorophyllin ke ntho e tsoang ho chlorophyll e qhibilihang ka metsing. E tsebahala haholo ka melemo ea eona ea bophelo bo botle, ho kenyelletsa antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. Lipatlisiso li bontša hore sodium magnesium chlorophyllin e ka thusa tšilo ea lijo, ea khothalletsa bophelo bo botle ba letlalo, esita le ho sireletsa khahlanong le mefuta e itseng ea mofetše.

E 'ngoe ea melemo e meholo ea sodium magnesium chlorophyllin ke tšimoloho ea eona ea tlhaho. E fumanoa limela tse ruileng ka chlorophyll. Sena se etsa hore sodium magnesium chlorophyllin e be motsoako o bolokang tikoloho le o tšoarellang o ka sebelisoang ho khothaletsa bophelo bo botle ntle le ho senya polanete.

Sodium magnesium chlorophyllin e boetse e sebelisoa lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea motho joalo ka sesepa, sesepa sa meno le se hlatsoang molomo. Ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e thibelang likokoana-hloko, e thusa haholo-holo ho loantša phefumoloho e mpe le ho thibela lefu la marenene.

E 'ngoe ea litšebeliso tse hlokomelehang tsa sodium magnesium chlorophyllin ke lebaleng la pholiso ea maqeba. Liphuputso li bontšitse hore tšebeliso ea lihlooho tsa sodium magnesium chlorophyllin e ka potlakisa ho fola ha maqeba le ho fokotsa leqeba. E thusa ho khothaletsa kholo ea lisele tse phetseng hantle mme e bile e sebelisitsoe ho phekola maqeba a sa foleng joalo ka liso tsa lefu la tsoekere.

Qetellong, sodium magnesium chlorophyllin ke sehlahisoa sa tlhaho sa bohlokoa le se feto-fetohang se nang le melemo e mengata ea bophelo bo botle. Lisebelisoa tsa eona tse ngata li etsa hore e be motsoako o tsebahalang lihlahisoa tse ngata. Ka tšimoloho ea eona e bonolo ea tikoloho, sodium magnesium chlorophyllin hape ke tharollo e tšoarellang bakeng sa ba batlang ho phela bophelo bo botle ha ba ntse ba sireletsa polanete.

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Khampani e thehile metheo e meraro ea tlhahiso Indonesia, Xianyang le Ankang ka ho latellana, 'me e na le mekhoa e mengata ea lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa tsa limela tse nang le lisebelisoa tsa ho ntša, ho arohana, ho tsepamisa mohopolo le ho omisa. E sebetsana le lithane tse ka bang 3,000 tsa lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa limela 'me e hlahisa lithane tse 300 tsa lihlahisoa tsa limela selemo le selemo. Ka sistimi ea tlhahiso e tsamaellanang le setifikeiti sa GMP le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea tlhahiso ea indasteri le mekhoa ea tsamaiso, k'hamphani e fa bareki liindasteri tse fapaneng netefatso ea boleng, phepelo e tsitsitseng ea lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa tšehetso tsa boleng bo holimo. Semela sa Afrika se Madagascar se ntse se sebetsa.


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Setifikeiti sa khoebo ea theknoloji e phahameng

Lebitso la khoebo: Shaanxi Ruiwo Phytochem Co.,Ltd

qdass (17)
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Ruiwo o nka bohlokoa bo boholo kahong ea sistimi ea boleng, e nka boleng e le bophelo, e laola boleng ka botlalo, e sebelisa litekanyetso tsa GMP ka thata, mme e fetile 3A, ho kenya lifaele tsa moetlo, ISO9001, ISO14001, HACCP, KOSHER, setifikeiti sa HALAL le laesense ea tlhahiso ea lijo (SC) , joalo-joalo Ruiwo o thehile laboratori e tloaelehileng e nang le sete e felletseng ea TLC, HPLC, UV, GC, ho lemoha likokoana-hloko le lisebelisoa tse ling, 'me o khethile ho etsa tšebelisano-'moho e tebileng le laboratori ea lefats'e e tsebahalang ea batho ba boraro ea SGS, EUROFINS, Teko ea Noan, tlhahlobo ea PONY le litsi tse ling ho netefatsa ka kopanelo bokhoni bo matla ba ho laola boleng ba sehlahisoa.

setifikeiti sa patent

1 (28)

Lebitso la mohlala oa tšebeliso: Sesebelisoa sa ho ntša polysaccharide ea semela
Patentee: Shaanxi Ruiwo Phytochem Co., Ltd

1 (29)

Lebitso la mohlala oa tšebeliso: Mochini oa oli ea semela
Patentee: Shaanxi Ruiwo Phytochem Co., Ltd

1 (30)

Lebitso la mohlala oa tšebeliso: Sesebelisoa sa sefahla sa semela
Patentee: Shaanxi Ruiwo Phytochem Co., Ltd

1 (31)

Lebitso la mohlala oa tšebeliso: Sesebelisoa sa ho ntša lekhala
Patentee: Shaanxi Ruiwo Phytochem Co., Ltd

Phallo ea ts'ebetso ea mohala oa tlhahiso

Tribulus Terrestris Extract

Pontšo ea laboratori

qdass (25)

Global sourcing system bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse tala

Re thehile mokhoa oa lefats'e oa kotulo ka kotloloho lefatšeng ka bophara ho netefatsa boleng ba boleng bo holimo ba lihlahisoa tsa 'nete tsa semela.
E le ho netefatsa boleng bo tsitsitseng ba lisebelisoa tse tala tsa boleng bo holimo, Ruiwo e thehile metheo ea eona ea ho jala lihlahisoa tsa semela lefatšeng ka bophara.


Lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele

qdass (27)
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qdass (30)

Company ka ho hōla ka nako e tšoanang, ho kamehla ntlafatsa tlhōlisano marakeng, lefa a lebisa tlhokomelo e eketsehileng ho tsamaiso e hlophisitsoeng le tshebetso e khethehileng, kamehla ntlafatsa bokhoni ba bona ba ho etsa lipatlisiso tsa saense, le University Northwest, Shaanxi Normal University, Northwest Agriculture le Forestry University le Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding. Group Co., Ltd le lihlopha tse ling tsa thuto ea mahlale li sebelisana 'moho li theha lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea laboratori ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa tse ncha, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho ntlafatsa chai, Ho tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa matla a felletseng.

Sehlopha sa rona


Re ela hloko haholo litšebeletso tsa bareki, 'me re ananela moreki e mong le e mong. Hona joale re bolokile botumo bo matla indastering ka lilemo tse ngata. Re 'nile ra tšepahala' me re sebeletsa ho aha likamano tsa nako e telele le bareki ba rona.


Tribulus Terrestris Extract

Ho sa tsotellehe hore na ke mathata afe, ka kopo ikutloe u lokolohile ho ikopanya le basebeletsi ba rona ba thekiso ho u fa tharollo e nepahetseng.

Mohlala oa mahala

qdass (38)

Re fana ka mehlala ea mahala, re amohelehile ho buisana, re lebeletse ho sebelisana le uena.


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About natural plant extract, contact us at at any time! We are a professional Plant Extract Factory, which has three production bases!

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: